Our Animals
All of our animals are pasture-raised. We believe in holistic land management, rotational grazing & sustainable practices; raising our animals with care & respect every step of the way.
Click below to learn more about each animal.

"Marion Acres' chickens are the best local, pasture-raised chicken I've ever tasted! My family raved about it! Clean, rich tasting, fresh, juicy and pasture plump. The meat is gone and the bones are ready to be made into stock!" -LaRae / Chef & Food Stylist

"It was my pleasure cutting your hogs. Great fat cover, thick muscle. Very quality meat!" -Matthew / The Meating Place Butcher

I'm picky when it comes to eggs and have my own backyard flock to make sure I'm eating eggs that are produced sustainably and ethically and that have that dark orange yolk and rich flavor. Occasionally I need to buy eggs, but I refuse to get them at the store and have been disappointed with most of the eggs at the farmer's market. I can honestly say that Marion Acres' eggs check all the boxes, they're delicious!" - Sasha / Chef & Food Stylist

"The turkey was absolutely delicious as always.....Hands down you lovely folks raise the best turkeys we have ever had." -Kim / Portland, OR