Tue, May 04
Private tour for Athey Creek homeschool families, please do not RSVP unless you have a link to this invitation, thank you!

Time & Location
May 04, 2021, 10:00 AM
Hillsboro, 23137 NW West Union Rd, Hillsboro, OR 97124, USA
About The Event
WHEN: Arrive at 10am and meet us on the back patio at 10:30am for an introduction & farm tour!
WHAT: We will visit the baby chicks, pigletts, cows, laying hens, broiler chickens, and farm dogs. We will then visit the processing facility for anyone interetsed and end at the Market where you can grab a coffee and/or snacks if you would like!
LUNCH: Please feel free to have your kids bring a sack lunch to enjoy on the porch or lawn. If you think you might want to purchase a lunch, please let me know so we can be sure we are ready. The main lunch we offer is homemade wraps, we also have labaneese hummus lunch box, granola bars, and plenty of snacks & pastries. With enough notice, I can also have one of our "Farm-to-Table" lunches ordered, we have them made through Stella's Kitchen, she uses our chicken to make a chicken salad lunchable like lunch. Those are $12 each
REGISTRATION: I have limited the spaces for the tour to 40 people and this includes kids. If we reach the max on both tours, we can open another one! If you still want to come meet the other families and enjoy lunch together, please feel free to simply show up, no need to reguster! Registering is only to get you a place on the tour, we find that 40 or less is the best number for these.
MASKS: We are following state mandates for indoor shopping, so for the comfort of some customers and staff, we kindly ask that you also do the same. Face shields are acceptable for the kiddos and masks are not required for outside tour and lunchtime.
Reach me anytime at all for questions! -Rachelle 503 750 2775